Anecdote of Cheiro the Astrologer meeting a famous lady with covered face

Cheiro is considered as a greatest astrologer, the world has ever seen!!. He was the famous Irish astrologer and a colorful occult figure of the early 20th century. He read palms and told the fortunes of famous celebrities. One evening a gentleman drove upto Cheiro and asked if he would drive out with him and meet a lady whose hands, he thought would be of great interest. Cheiro agreed and together they went to a house standing in a large garden. He was made to promise to ask no questions. The door at the end of a corridor got opened, and a lady with a heavy, black lace mantilla covering her head and face came towards Cheiro and she held her hands out under a shaded electric light.

And what hands they were! Lines and marks completely fascinated him. Cheiro was keyed upto a pitch of nervousness and intensity, especially as the lady broke in every now and then.

He read her palms without knowing who she was and told about her past, her struggles and the future. Cheiro told her that she was a famous lady, great singer, actress and a sculptor. She would be considered as a role model for others, will rule her industry till her 60 years. After 60 years, she will become bankrupt and in accident would lose her leg. Still, she will be photographed for magazines.

After hearing all this, the white hands were drawn away, great sobs came from under the veil, until suddenly it was thrown back, and the eyes of the great French actress Sarah Bernhardt’s wonderful eyes, looked straight out into Cheiro. He was stunned!!!

She murmured over and over again in French, “It is the most wonderful thing I have ever known, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.” Cheiro handed her the autograph book and asked her to write something in it as a souvenir. Without hesitating a moment, she wrote the following words and signed it with her own characteristic signature.

Translation – Taken from Cheiro’s Memoirs- Harvard University.

“Since God has placed in our hands lines and marks which tell our past and future, I only regret that from these lines we cannot know the future of those dearest to us so that we might be enabled to warn them of coming troubles or sorrows, but God doeth all things well-so be it then, Amen.

Sarah Bernhardt

Sarah Bernhardt and Cheiro

Later in her life, all the predictions of Cheiro became true. She became a role model, ruled the cine industry. Later she became bankrupt and lost her leg due to an accident and all the predictions happened and were so accurate.

Everyone knows that “the face can wear a mask,” that a person may be a good actor and put on a certain expression that may deceive even the best judgment. But hands cannot change as the result of a mere effort to please; the character they express is the real nature of the individual-the true character that has been formed by heredity or that has grown up with the person by long years of habit. Astrology is a science and those who have mastered this science have proved this subject. 

Same way, experts in the field can understand all about the pharmaceutical operations just by looking into the prepared SMF [Site Master File]. It is like a horoscope of the pharmaceutical operations.

What is SMF [Site Master File]?

The Site Master File is prepared by the pharmaceutical manufacturer and contain specific information about the quality management policies and activities of the site, the production and/or quality control of pharmaceutical manufacturing operations carried out at the named site and any closely integrated operations at adjacent and nearby buildings. When submitted to a regulatory authority, the Site Master File provide clear information on the manufacturer’s GMP related activities that can be useful in general supervision and in the efficient planning and undertaking of GMP inspections.

Before competent regulatory authorities conduct an inspection, they will ask for a drug manufacturer’s current Site Master File to become familiar with the company. It is also a regulatory requirement. So, the Site Master Files becomes part of the quality assurance system of a company. SMF Update is required at defined intervals. Recommended interval is of two years. Establish a change history to ensure transparency of changes and amendments made.

Guidance on SMF

The contents of SMF are given clearly in the following issued guidance and the requirements are same across.

1.EudraLex The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union Volume 4 Good Manufacturing Practice Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use. Brussels, SANCO/C8/AM/sl/ares (2010)1064603.

2.World Health Organization WHO Technical Report Series, No.961, 2011.


List of Appendixes

Note-The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Google Images. Many thanks for Google.

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