
We live in the digital world, where we could preserve the pictures / photographs and store them for the next and for many future generations. Interestingly the first photograph was taken in 1825 by a French inventor Joseph and it took 8 hours to take the picture. Since then, lot of developments have taken place and we are in the digital world, where photographs are taken in micro seconds and can travel to any part of the world.

Artists of the previous centuries has helped us a lot by their paintings/art and sculptors in showing the faces of personalities to the world for years and years. As rightly said, every photograph becomes a memory when the clock moves on. Photographs tells a lot of the emotions too! The world came to know the indifferences between princess Diana and prince Charles, when one photographer captured a picture when they had visited Taj Mahal. We keep family photo albums and when we miss a person, we see them in photograph and feel happy, the days we lived, cherished!

Some keep photographs of their loved ones in their wallet/purse. There is an interesting joke that a man when scolded by his boss was so cool and used to see the picture in the wallet every time. One day one colleague had asked him how come he maintains so cool? The answer was that when I see this picture in the wallet, I think, will be there any thing bigger than this? Many times, photographs act as a great piece of solace and pictures tells a lot than words!

So, the memories continues…..

Note-The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Google Images. Many thanks for Google.

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