Madhavi [Name changed] was born in a house after many years of the married life of her parents. Since she was born late and the only daughter, she was the lovable darling in the family. Her parents enjoyed seeing her grow. She had dreams to succeed in this world as everyone in this world has! Everything was going fine till her 15 years of age.
One day she was walking through the busiest market in the city to buy a hair band. She heard someone calling her by name. She turned back to see who it was! All she could feel was a hot water splash on her face. Within seconds, she could not even realize what had happened to her. Fumes emerged from the splashed hot liquid and burned her face. She did not imagine or even dreamt that her life would go crashing before that moment. She could not see but could only scream due to the enormous pain, peeling of the skin and burning fire on her face. No-one nearby could understand what had happened to her. Few good Samaritans took her to the hospital and no-one should undergo such a pain in their life due to acid attack.
She had lost her eye sight and her face just because she had rejected the proposal kept before her. Horrible days and nights followed that tragic incident. Surgeries after surgeries followed her during this horrible journey. Parents were nearby her and supported her during the most difficult times of her life. A free bird once became caged now and she needs support for every part of her life!
This is one of the saddest stories of many such victims in the world. Each one of them have an unimaginable tragic story irrespective of the gender. Both women and men are the victims. Most victims are for rejections for the proposals and remaining victims out of enmity and rivalry. Everyone in this world would love to see the mirror at least once in a day but these victims want to remove the silvering of the mirror so they remain mere glasses.
Statistics on acid attacks
80% of attacks are on girls & women and remaining on boys & men. 1500 attacks are recorded very year globally. 60% of attacks are not reported.
Unfortunately, these victims are not supported by the society and these victims retreat within the four walls of the house and live isolated during the rest of their life/s.
The flowers that blossom in the graveyard are not used / decorated. What was the fault of those flowers? Is it because it grows near the graveyard, they are not taken even when they have all the qualities of the flower?

Similarly, why are they kept isolated? these victims need acceptance from the society. They are attacked so the perpetrators want them to be confined to solitude. World should not substantiate those belief/s and action/s. They need hands to hold and come out of their darkness and gloom surrounded by them. They have lost the face but not their beautiful hearts. They have lost the vision but not the zeal of life. That is why, they are the most beautiful women and handsome men in the world! Beyond the scars, they are also humans like us! It is heartening to know that nowadays they are keeping the scars behind and fighting back in their life admirably. They are burying the ghosts of the past and moving ahead.

They need lot of help financially to undergo n number of surgeries, emotional support to overcome the pain. It is nice to see many helping those innocent victims of life by providing opportunities in restaurants, shops, offices, employed as maids etc to meet their basic needs of life. There are many foundations / organizations helping these survivors. Thank you very much for those kind hearted humans in this world who are supporting them in their hour of need. Let us be the burnol of their wounds. If they are not helped monetarily, they can be helped with lots of love and care! They need lot!
This blog is dedicated to all the acid victims across the world. The world is beautiful because of you all!!

Note-The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Google Images. Many thanks for Google.
This is our responsibility as parents to teach our kids to value others opinion…. Irrespective of boys or girls acceptance or rejection one should respect others decision.
True! Thank you Isha.