I was driving my car through the Miami roads and waiting for the green signal to move. Passenger in the car at the back was so angry and frustrated even to wait for the signal to turn from red to green.
If students don’t get a lucrative job after completing their college studies, they are ending their lives.
In the store, when the cashier asks a question, young men taking their gun and shooting down innocent victims.
In the petrol filling station, when a car accidentally hits another, getting down and hitting him to bleed from his nose.
That is about today’s fast moving world. Even earth is moving faster somedays and may be Julius Caesar’s leap year will become a permanent leap year every year.
The watch is now showing hours, minutes, and seconds and may be in another 10 years, it might have micro seconds too.
Why did and why do we move fast?
Rewinding the calendar backwards,
I used to listen to 5 days test cricket radio commentary. Slowly one day cricket [50-50 overs] replaced 5 days test cricket. We call it pyjama cricket and now 20-20 overs cricket replaced 50-50 overs. I will not be surprised even if it becomes 10-10 overs cricket.
Preparation of food was done by burning wood, then it was prepared using kerosene stove. LPG stove replaced kerosene stove and time reduced.
Food preparation took lot of time and instant noodles came into the market and reduced the time and it became an instant hit.
Palm leaf manuscript was the medium of writing. Filling inks for writing in pen were soon replaced by ballpoint pens. Letters were written to communicate from one place to another distant place. Internet has made the letters obituary. Mail communications went from one corner of the world to another in lightning speed. Soon one would ask what hand writing is?
For withdrawing money from bank, have to go to bank and fill the form and wait for the transaction to happen. ATM came and threw away the visits to bank.
Movies were made for 3 hrs and nowadays movies are becoming shorter and shorter.
Stories were written for many pages. Kalki’s Ponniyin Selvan ran for 5 volumes. Short crispy stories rule the day and no one has time to read bulky stories today.
Fruits came from seeds. Now seedless fruits in the kitchen.
But one-thing never changed, babies always took 10 months to come out from mother’s womb.
It was we, who changed from the slower life style to a faster life style. We are the ones who have increased the adrenalin to pump faster. On seeing 20-20 cricket, we get charged and we have ourselves changed the rules of life. Due to this adrenalin increase in our blood, we are not having patience in the day to day routine life. We are running. The adrenalin has constantly build over the years and reached the pinnacle. Change is inevitable but it is not necessary to embrace all the changes incorporated into the routine life.
Guys, let us slow down wherever necessary to enjoy the life. It is to be enjoyed. If we don’t get few things within time, it is time to relax. In this fast turning world, we don’t enjoy the nature too, the birds chirping, the blossoming flowers, the sunrise, the sunset, the full moon in the sky, hide and seek of moon under the clouds, the drizzling rains, and witnessing the seasons through the trees. Why do we hurry? As visitors, let us slow down, relax and enjoy each moment of life!

Please slow down…
Note-The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Google / Unsplash Images. Many thanks for Google & Unsplash.
A very good reminder to slow down and take a break at times.
Humans in nature take time to grow and we should not pressure ourselves to move faster than we can handle.
Life is precious and we do not want the repercussions to end this life that we can only live once.
Thank you for the blog read. 🙏
Thank you Ozy!
Definitely we should slow to see our life in deep, then only in full flow we can enjoy thoroughly our life. Very nice story with nice example Sir. 👏 👏
Thank you Ezhil
Very good reminder to current life style scenario, we can grow in life slowly slowly, it is fact and it’s result gives us happiness in life…
Thank you Dhruv Modi!
Well written Muthu, all of are running against time, who can do maximum in 24 hours is the winner today, everyone works against time. Even looking into different countries, Chinese work 16 hrs in day and they are the winner. Working smarter and harder, new inventions, bringing in changes is what we need, but most of us forget to enjoy life and the age. We have only short span in this world, let us try enjoying each minute without compromising the speed of change.
Thank you Dinesh.
Very nice article…
Thank you Gajanan!