Horse race betting is a game of skill. Horse race betting requires you to learn about the players, horses involved, their form, the racetrack, among multiple other things. Placing a wager / bet on this sport necessitates research and a thorough understanding. You must look at various horse racing betting study before setting out to […]
Want to be Tenzing and Hillary in conquering Mt. Everest?
The immediate thought of risk would haunt us and the reply would be a straight forward NO, since it is a great risk climbing a mountain. They both reached the highest point on earth, the Mount Everest 8848 meters above the sea level. When they achieved the rare feat, had they not thought about the […]
Murder or suicide?
A lady named Omana was murdered and was dropped from the terrace to make it look like a suicide. The case was closed as suicide and later it was re-opened and given to the premier investigation agency. Investigation started where a humanoid dummy experiment was conducted to confirm whether it was a murder or suicide? […]
Did God lie to us?
The question would surprise all because why should the powerful almighty lie to Humans? The book of Genesis says the creation of God with the below list: Day 1: Light. Day 2: Atmosphere. Day 3: Dry ground & plants. Day 4: Sun, moon & stars. Day 5: Birds & sea creatures. Day 6: Land animals […]
Elephant in the dark?
The story goes on like this. A group of people do not know how an elephant looks like; in fact, the animal is new to them. So, their eyes are masked and allowed to touch and say, how an elephant looks like? Their interpretation of elephant was funny based on the portion they touched. One […]
Guide in this world for all unknowns!!
We enter this world as “clean slate”, and we need help and support before we stand alone or set our journey. Pigeons teach their young ones how to fly and return back to their place till the young ones learn how to fly and see the outside world. When we visit a new place to […]
Operation success but patient died!
We had heard Doctors saying “Operation success but patient died”. There are many reasons for this statement, the treatment / surgery might have been late, the age, immune system did not respond, drug not effective etc. This statement might have been more relevant to the failure rate of surgeries due to the operation theatre conditions. […]
Digging the graves of Devonport, England-1972.
50 years back, there was a major incident involving the manufacture of a pharmaceutical product [ 5% Dextrose, Intra Venous infusion] in Devonport near Plymouth, England. The event is remembered as “Devonport disaster”. Given the time, many working in the pharmaceutical industry have never heard about the disaster. Many died after the administration of 5% […]