Love in the evening!

Andrew used to go to church every Sunday with his mother Mary. When Andrew was born, his father ran away and left the family in streets. Since then it was Mary who was bringing up Andrew. She was everything to Andrew. Mary was a very protective mother that she even squeezes the toothpaste in the toothbrush for Andrew everyday morning. So Andrew grew up as a dependent help seeking boy from his childhood. In school and college, his work was always done by juniors. Andrew was interested in politics and wanted to actively participate in politics since he had the feeling that politicians will always be served by people due to the power they yield.

He joined the conservative party as a student wing leader. Andrew was a great orator and due to his fiery speeches, he came to limelight in the party very soon. In his neighborhood, one church pastor came to reside and she had a daughter named Catherine studying in high school.

Oneday, while crossing the home of the pastor, Andrew noticed Catherine was getting ready for her high school in the morning. She was locking her house hurriedly and she missed the school bus. Andrew went to help her. Seeing her, Andrew arranged a vehicle so Catherine went to her high school. Catherine had no mother and her father had went to a nearby city that day for a church function.

In the evening, Catherine came to Andrew’s house to thank him for the morning arrangement of vehicle. When she said “Thank you”, Andrew said “Can you help me in writing my practical notes for my college?” Catherine smilingly accepted and collected the notes. Andrew’s mother was scolding for giving his work to a small girl. But that was the way, Andrew grew up. That night the lamp at Catherine’s house was glowing past midnight. Next day morning, she handed over the record notes. Her handwriting was so beautiful. Andrew liked it very much.

It became a practice for Andrew to give all the college work to Catherine and she would write and give on the next day burning her midnight candles without any hesitation. For Andrew, whatever he asks, it was done by Catherine. She was doing his duties as how his mother would do. Andrew slowly started liking Catherine but did not express it openly. He was always looking at the window of Catherine’s house. Oneday, Andrew asked Catherine daringly “Can I kiss you?”. Andrew did not expect Catherine would agree so soon. Catherine said, “When the moon goes up in the sky, I would switch OFF and ON the light twice and you can come to my garden”. The lights were going OFF and ON frequently and the neighbors were not knowing the reason. Their love was growing day by day for years.

Andrew would buy flowers and gifts for Catherine and they would meet only during the late night. Whatever Andrew asked, Catherine was doing and that attracted Catherine to Andrew. She was submissive in Andrew’s love. Somedays due to hectic schedule, Andrew would not meet Catherine but Catherine was always present in the garden in the moonlight waiting for Andrew. In the daytime, Andrew was doing his work for the political party. For few days, Andrew did not meet Catherine. After a long gap, when Catherine asked for the reason, Andrew said his mother had passed away so he could not meet her. Catherine was consoling Andrew and said “Iam here to take away all your sorrows. You can come and meet me in the evening”. Similar way, again he did not meet Catherine for few weeks. When Catherine asked him for the absence, Andrew told her that his heart was under attack and was admitted to the hospital. Catherine was so sad on hearing about his health but comforted Andrew that his heart is safe and secure with Catherine.

Years passed on, oneday Andrew’s childhood friend Peter came to meet Andrew. Peter went into Andrew’s room and found lot of dried flowers and gifts in his room. Peter asked Andrew “For whom, do you have bought these flowers and gifts?” Andrew replied it is all for Catherine. Peter knew Catherine had left the neighborhood and the city since decades.

Peter got suspicion about Andrew and took him to a leading Psychiatrist in the city. Peter was waiting outside for about two hours during the examination and the Psychiatrist came out and called Peter for a discussion. The Psychiatrist explained clearly to Peter that in hypnosis, he was able to get all the information. He started to unwind the story of Andrew and Catherine to Peter. They were in deep love with each other for many years. The proposal of marriage between Andrew and Catherine was rejected by both their families. As a result of that, Catherine‘s father took his family out to another city. Then marriage was fixed for Catherine and before the night of her marriage, Catherine called Andrew’s mobile and asked him “What do you want from me?” As usual, Andrew said “I want only Catherine”. “Take me” said Catherine and after that Catherine’s voice stopped once for all. Catherine had taken her life for not able to live with Andrew. Since then Andrew would go into a deep sleep and in his REM state of sleep, he would meet Catherine in the garden and would come back to the awaken state. He would talk to her for hours in that state. Catherine would always wait for Andrew and this was going on for decades and Andrew did not marry anyone thinking of Catherine.

Andrew was admitted for treatment with the Psychiatrist for his recovery. After 3 months, he was discharged following his recovery. Life rolled on, as how curry leaves are used in the food during preparation and thrown out during the usage, Andrew too was used by the conservative party but later thrown. Before one Christmas day, Andrew was spotted going to the jewelry shop for buying a ring for Catherine with a rose in his hand!!!

Disclaimer-“This is a fictional story. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.”

Note-The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Google / Unsplash Images. Many thanks for Google & Unsplash.