Part-1, 2, 3 & 4 combined to understand the story.
September 8, Year 2024, Coast of the Islands.
Benjamin is working as a bureaucrat in the defense ministry. He is a very honest man to the core. He even has two water bottles for drinking water. The water collected in the office will not be brought to home. Honesty to the core! He lost his wife during her delivery of their daughter. Benjamin loves his daughter Ann very much. He takes her wherever he goes. His world is her daughter. He is happy in cooking for her, sending her to school, getting the school uniforms, teaching her and doing the smaller things in life for her. It is a Sunday, his daughter Ann’s birthday. He was preparing balloons and fixing in her room and ordering a birthday cake.
He gets a call from the Defense Minister to visit the office immediately. Unfortunately it is his daughter’s 8th birthday. Since he is called by the national defense minister, he could not refuse. Benjamin told Ann to take food and said her that he will take her out for the birthday in the evening. Benjamin goes to the ministry of defense. He is offered lunch. Immediately after taking lunch, he collapses and falls on the floor dead!

Message reaches Ann that his father has passed away by a sudden heart attack. She cries a lot. She becomes an Orphan and lost everything in her world. He was the world to her and she did not even expect that she will be left alone in this world, struggling. The balloons fixed on the wall were hanging lifeless, the birthday card Benjamin got for Ann was also lying in his shelf. The world turned upside for Ann.
50 Years later, Year 2074

The world changed a lot. AI-Artificial intelligence changed the world a lot. Everywhere, Robots replaced humans in most of the work. Human dependency on robots increased by many folds. There were no shops and all were delivered by Robots. Hardly there was interaction between humans. Machines started ruling the world. Humans lost their intelligence and gave it to the machines. Depression was at its peak since life has become a machine and mechanical without any emotions!
Every country was defended by Robots. Robots were created and trained to defend the country borders in both the land and sea. Computer engineers programmed for all the Robot soldiers. They wrote programs for the Robots to identify the enemy Robots and kill by laser technology. Those computer engineers who were hired for creating the Military Robots were kept isolated and guarded, so the programs were kept as a top secret. The designers of the military robots were always within the Government’s close watch in the Military zone. They were living, like in a prison. Their families too were guarded, monitored with a GPS tracker inserted into their bodies!

November 17, Year 2074, Zenith City.
Corruption never went down. For the recruitment of new Robots, a deal was fixed and successfully lot of money got transferred. Kole, the defense minister was overjoyed with money and power. A lunch party was organized by Kole, the powerful man. He had invited friends and key businessmen. All were checked thoroughly before the entry to the venue. After drinking lot of wine, Kole was boasting of his power and was saying no-one in the world can even touch him. Within minutes, Kole collapsed and fell dead on the ground. The man who boasted minutes before was lying in the floor dead.

The death news of the top Defense minister sent shock wave across the powerful country in the world. A high level investigation was formed by the government to find out the murderer. An important finding came and that was the post-mortem report for the cause of death as Potassium cyanide in his body. Interrogation of all the high profile visitors of the party, CCTV footage were screened thoroughly but it remained a mystery and the case could not be solved for years. The case became dead even after the investigation went to the PDA [Premier Detective Agency] of the country.
April 26, Year 2076, Canbitha city
Nolan, the high profile Defense minister of the second powerful country in the world Travod was invited to the meeting of military generals. Nolan arrived in a bullet proof plane and was guarded by Robot security guards. This meeting was conducted due to the imminent World war III. After having his lunch, same story continues. Nolan the powerful man fell to the ground dead. The news made the world to sit and notice. Nolan too died of Potassium cyanide in his body.
Every premier investigative agency of the world assembled as a team to find the murderer in the advanced world of technology and still the murderer was roaming free. It became the Mystery of the Century.
The investigation continues…..They could find the lead.
In the meantime, Ann now 60 years old is living alone in her isolated house in a hill in one of the city in the Coast of the Islands.
Part 2
The investigation continues and they could find the pattern in this case.
All the deaths were of the high profile individuals of Ministry of Defense.
All the deaths were caused by Potassium cyanide in the body. All were poisoned.
All were involved in corruption to the highest level.
They belong to different countries but common was the defense field and associated corruption.
So they arrive a common point that it is one person who has killed all these high profile individuals who had utmost security in different countries. The mystery was how come the person was able to breach the high security cordon and poison all those without any evidence?
All the persons who had entry into all those country were screened and there was no common person in those countries in those dates. Still got complicated!
The left over wine in the glass had traces of Potassium cyanide indicating the poisoning. They traced out the passage and movement of Potassium cyanide. It was an era where all were delivered by Robots. They could identify the Robots transferred Potassium Cyanide in all the countries but it was not delivered. It was interesting to find that the Robots did not deliver the Potassium cyanide. The order for Potassium cyanide was a fake address which did not even exist. This made the Joint investigation agency to sit up and proceed further. The outcome was Potassium cyanide was collected by Robots but not delivered in all cases. The case narrowed down to the Robots. Now who is driving these Robots?

The puzzle from all the investigative agencies across the world was how a Robot was able to kill the individuals in different countries? They decided to go by case by case to unravel the mystery. It was Robot No.R1811 in the case of Kole’s the defense minister’s death. The Robot was in role on November 17, Year 2074, Zenith City in the lunch party.
Records found that the Robot 1811 was neutralized after the incident. The computer engineer who designed 1811 was taken into custody to know whether he had programmed the Robot to poison the defense minister. Investigation found that there was no fault of him or any program error. Records show all the other Robots were also found neutralized after the date of killing. The mystery continued and it was puzzling who is activating this Robot and later neutralizing them?
August 1, year 2076, Verkosin
Even after the mysterious deaths, top guns of the defense sector wants to amass wealth through the corrupted way. A deal was done with arms dealer for a huge money. Jeff, the defense secretary returned to his Royal home in Verkosin that evening. Jeff was sipping a glass of wine in his garden. There was a Robot waiting patiently, looking at him from the tree in the darkness. The robot got down and took a packet of white powder and laced his drinks with Potassium Cyanide. He drank the wine laced with Potassium cyanide and minutes later he collapsed in the garden. The Robot too was found malfunctioned. The world was confused!
Coast of the Islands
Ann who is living in the isolated hill house notices a feather at the doorstep of her house every day. She clears the feather but it reappears every day. She is wondering why these feathers appear every day.

PDA headquarters
Investigation agency laid a trap to see the movement of Robots across the world everywhere.
Part 3.
Jeff’s murder at Verkosin further sealed and confirmed the role of Robot used in the killing of all high profile individuals of Ministry of Defense with Potassium cyanide poisoning. The world is filled with Robots. Though all the robots are designed well and the computer designers are guarded and monitored for every movement it is scary to know it is easier to kill through Robots breaching any security.
The only way to identify the murderer behind these Robots would be to track the movement of every Robot. It was decided to include a tracker in every Robot. The entire movement was mapped and was closely monitored by investigative agents.
To their utter surprise, satellite images shows one Robot was always going to the hill house in the Coast of the islands, where Ann was living alone. It raised suspicion and they began to monitor that Robot closely.

Another Robot was going to the buried place of Dr. Immanuel in the same city. Investigative agencies focused on these two places of interest. They decided to get the complete information about the persons living in one home-Ann and another buried Dr. Immanuel.

Narrowing down to the Coast of the islands.
One set of Investigative agencies focused on Ann living in the hill house. They take the history of her family. They find that her father Benjamin had also worked in the defense ministry and died in 2024.They searched the medical record of Benjamin and it was a falsified medical record of heart attack for his death. Since it happened in 2024, they could not get the complete information for the investigation. They suspected that Ann might be using these Robots to kill all corrupted defense personnel since her father was serving and died mysteriously. They could sense that Ann is taking revenge for her father’s death. The investigation agency informed the national satellite centre to record all the movements and collect all audio inside the house without anyone’s knowledge.
Ann’s history was tracked. After her father Benjamin’s death, she became an orphan. She was taken into Elizabeth Orphan centre. During her stay, she had completed her medical degree and served as a Gynecologist. After her retirement, she sold her father’s house and settled in the hill house in the Coast of the islands. Her record was clean like her father.
Investigative agencies were puzzled since she was serving mankind by her noble profession and helped lot of birth in this world. Definitely she is not angry with the society but maybe she wanted to take revenge over the corrupted defense personnel!

Dr. Immanuel
Another set of Investigative agencies focused on Dr. Immanuel. They track the history of Dr. Immanuel. He was a famous neuro scientist. Incidentally both Ann’s father Benjamin and Dr. Immanuel were school mates and studied till their college in computer engineering. Later Dr. Immanuel studied Medicine with Neurology as specialization. It was an interesting coincidence and it was getting narrowed down. But the puzzle still continued since they found that Dr. Immanuel died in a car accident in October 2024 immediately one month after the death of Benjamin. Both were best friends in life from their childhood. Immanuel had many notable discoveries and was awarded for many of his contributions in the field of Neurology. They both died 52 years ago.
Isaac-Son of Dr. Immanuel
They focus on Isaac, the only son of Dr. Immanuel. He is living with his family and doing a travel agency. They take him for interrogation. They find he is not having any knowledge of Computer programming and using computers only for the basic operations. Isaac shared the investigation agency that both his father Dr. Immanuel and Benjamin were close friends and they have many photographs taken together. Investigative agencies ask Isaac for any possession of his father’s work.

Interestingly Isaac says that after many years he could find a hard disk of his father. He tried to open the hard disk and it contained many files and he could not understand those files. So he gave it to a computer expert. The computer expert used Artificial intelligence tool through Internet and asked the type, nature and purpose of these files. After sometime, Artificial intelligence tool gave a response that there is nothing in this hard disk, though both Isaac and the computer expert could see files in the hard disk.

This information chilled the nerves of the Investigative agencies. They asked Isaac “Where is the hard drive now”? Isaac told them that even when the Artificial intelligence tool could not find out, there was no purpose to keep the hard drive, and so I broke and threw away the hard disk.
Ann & Isaac
Investigative agencies find Ann and Isaac are totally innocent. Definitely it seems like a revenge for death of Benjamin. They are able to peel each layer of the mystery but how come the revenge is carried out through Robots after 50 years? Why Robots are visiting the home of Ann and the grave yard of Dr. Immanuel? Questions still unanswered!!!
Still the mystery deepens and continues.
Part 4
September 8, Year 2076, Coast of the Islands.
One of the Robot knocks the door of Ann’s house. Ann was surprised to see the Robot standing at the doorstep with a bunch of Yellow roses in the hand. The Robot asked in the robotic voice “Can I come in?” Ann was puzzled. The Robot said, Happy birthday and handed over the bunch of Yellow roses to Ann.
She remembered her father always used to give a bunch of yellow roses for her on every birthday. She was getting a rose after 52 years!!! Ann asked the Robot, “Who are you?” The Robot sat in the chair and said “Iam Benjamin’s memories” in the hard Robotic voice.

On hearing this, Ann eyes became moist immediately. Her voice gets trembled and asks again “Who are you?” The Robot again said “Iam not Benjamin but his memories”
The conversation goes like between them and all these get recorded in the hard drive storage of the satellite.
Ann: How can I believe you and I could not understand saying that you are Benjamin’s memories. My father died 52 years ago?
Benjamin memories as Robot: Check the hairclip of your mother Mary which is stored in memory of her, my last handwritten greeting card for you on Sep 8, 2024 and I have to come see you on your birthday. Isn’t that enough for you?
Ann: Tears flowing down, I couldn’t believe as a Robot but I could believe every memory of my father! I could visualize the memories of my most lovable person sitting in front of me. How come my father’s memories into a Robot?
Benjamin memories as Robot: My death was not natural. I was so honest and I could find deal for corruption in Defense ministry and reported to the highest level. On that day when was I called to the Ministry of Defense, I assumed that they would take action against the “Dealers” but they got all the proof and poisoned me. It was reported as “Heart Attack”. Before my days could end in this world, the high profile Defense Minister had killed me. When they took me to the hospital after the poisoning, it was Dr. Immanuel who was one among the Doctors who attended me. He could not save me. I had shared everything in my life to my best childhood friend Dr. Immanuel. My friend Dr. Immanuel was a great Neuro scientist and was way ahead in his times. He had studied my memory cells and had made similar programming alogarithms under his project work. This was a discovery of him for the future generation. He had completely mapped my emotions of neurons and has written as alogarithmic program. These alogarithmic programs are more powerful since they are similar to human brain. Unfortunately my friend Dr Immanuel died one month after my death in a car accident.
Fortunately, after 50 years the Pandora box was opened by his son Isaac. He unknowingly connected to the internet the alogarithmic programs of mine created by his father Dr. Immanuel and asked the Artificial intelligence tool to trace and identify the files. The alogarithmic program similar to human brain created by friend Dr. Immanuel was more superior to the man-made tool Artificial intelligence. The memories as alogarithmic program went into the backhand of Artificial intelligence and even it was not knowing. So, “The hard disk is empty” was the answer given to the computer expert and Isaac. When this alogarithmic program was connected to web world, multiple copies were generated and went into each part of the web world and whatever & wherever connected, a copy got stored. Every mobile device will have my memories without even their knowledge. In fact Dr. Immanuel was father of the emotional Artificial intelligence in this world. When Robots got connected into the web world, copy of mine went into the Robots too. In short, Iam present everywhere.
I want to avenge the deep wound in me and want to end corruption in this world. To gain wealth, corruption is killing, spoiling the human beings. Without corruption, the world would be so nice and the poor people are the innocent victims. Corruption is the mother of most of the problems in this world. We desire for more than we require in this world. Humans lost happiness the day currency was introduced into this world. It creates and divides the rich and poor. God’s creation is for all in this world. Humans are just visitors in this world but they make a mess!

Ann: Iam in a shock hearing all you say. Sobbing, I still remember the day when you left on my birthday saying that you will take me for dinner. I waited till the night but the message and your lifeless body came home. I lost everything in the world from that day onwards, since you were all for me. I haven’t seen my mother, but I have seen my mother, father, teacher and my love as you! You were doing all the small things for me in life. Those 8 years were like 80 years for me. There is no day in life without thinking of you. I decided to live alone, helping the mankind and coming to you oneday not knowing you are everywhere in this world.
Benjamin’s memories as Robot did not speak any word but was looking at Ann speechless. It was a conversation between a Robot and a human being but it was full of love!
Benjamin memories as Robot: My memories made a forced entry into the Robots. I wish to kill all the Corrupt. I very well know that they would have tracked me now through Satellite imaging and sound technology and would have known all our conversations. After I murder every corrupted individual, I inactivate myself to remain as a Mystery!
Ann: Iam very happy to see your memories after 52 years. What and where is the end to it?
Benjamin memories as Robot: Was silent for a long time. Stood up and went near Ann. Held her hands for quite some time without uttering a word. Ok, Iam leaving, take care! And said “I Love you a lot”. The Robot went to the Garden and fell dead inactivated! Ann was looking at the Robot with tears.
The joint investigation agency team was speechless in getting all these information from the satellite. All were unanimous in saying “Corruption will end for peace to be in this world”. Now they could not do anything since the memories of Benjamin is spread across the entire web world. Like the dismantled Robot, the joint investigation agency was also dismantled. The world came to know the entire incident and there was no corruption in any sector out of fear. No one was willing to take corruption or give in the entire world! The world was so good in order.
Oneday morning, Sun got up but Ann did not get up! Ann dies peacefully in her sleep. She was cremated in the garden of her hill house.

50 Years completed. The next new generation began to crop in the world. Slowly the same corruption, deal began to crop up. Multi-Million dollar deal was completed in one of the sector in the city Newlensky.
It was midnight in the city Newlensky, one of the Robot opened its eyes and started turning its head!!!

Thanks to the young Computer engineers Sushil & Sahana, my children for giving me the nucleus of computer program alogarithmic and helping me in the core of the plot.

Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions expressed in this blog are personal and solely belong to the blog owner. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any individual or group. This is a fictional story. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Note-The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Unsplash Images & Google. Many thanks.
Story is copyright protected.
Super!! Enjoyed reading this!
Thank you Dr.Uma
Nice narrative. Like a scientific thriller
Thank you Subramaniane.
Spectacular writing.👏👏 Somewhat my guess was closer to final episode.
Now, question is🤔
Can Memories have goals like humans or emotions? Does Memories have purpose based created based on algorithm?
Thank you Snehal! The answer is yes-given by young Computer experts.