News update: The revolution of earth slows down due to the change in the climatic conditions. In every part of the world, the change is noticed. There are no rains in Spain for the consecutive 4 years. The lakes in the hill station of Ooty, India gets dried. Many rivers in the United States of America are without water. Occurrence of snowfall in Miami, USA. The depth of the borewell for water goes deep down every year. The effect reflects in the ocean too. The sea level is rising, and few cities are now “Ghost Cities” submerged in water. Surprisingly in a few parts of the ocean, land is rising.
The scientific community and the public are worried about the future, but one Physics student in Germany is keenly seeing the developments and it kindled lot of interest in him. As usual, everyone was back to the routine day-to-day activities. Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg is challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change, but all leaders are busy worrying only about the next elections.
Present day-Istanbul-Turkey

Osman the police inspector is getting ready to go home from the Police station on a Friday evening as he wants to spend his time with the family, the weekend. A woman named Banu in her 50’s enters the police station. She approaches Osman and registers a complaint that his son Abdullah did not return home from the college. Osman asks Banu, “There must be many reasons for your son not to reach home on time, and why do you want to register the complaint on the same evening”. Banu says, “I know it is only the evening of the day, but my son Abdullah never misses swimming session on any Fridays. After returning from College every Friday, he has never missed any swimming class for the last 4 years. That is what is worrying me. I tried to reach him multiple times, but his mobile phone is not getting connected. Osman was curious and got more details about him. His father was serving in the Turkish armed forces and died in a war. Since then, Banu brought up Abdullah in his life. She says Abdullah was fine till this morning. The only regret in his life is, he misses his father dearly so much that he always argues “Why does a country fight with another country for place? When soldiers are killed in the battle, they give awards, does these awards bring back the lost life for the family? these medals decorate the walls and add no value to the life of the person, who has lost the dear one”. Many times, in anger, he has thrown the medal that was received for his father’s service to the nation. Banu said, “Beneath the anger, I could see the love of a son who misses his father so much.”
Osman informs his wife that an important case has come up, so he will come home late. He gets Abdullah’s mobile number and informs the service provider Turkcell to trace the current location for Abdullah. Osman gets the social media details of Abdullah from Banu. To his dismay, for the last 4 years Abdullah had not used it.
In the meantime, Osman gets a call from the mobile service provider Turkcell that they could trace the last location near Bosphorus Strait. Osman rushes to the spot with a sniffer dog.

The sniffer dog finds the damaged SIM card and Abdullah’s bag containing the college books near the bank of Bosphorus Strait. For Osman, Abdullah is not kidnapped by anyone since any kidnapper will not leave the bag and the SIM card at the bank of Bosphorus Strait. It looks like a voluntary act and not a kidnap or just to confuse?. Osman’s worry is where has Abdullah gone into the sea? because the Bosphorus strait leads into the ocean!
Banu had lost her husband and now her only son Abdullah. Many sunrises and sunsets happened after that incident but there was no information about Abdullah. Was he kidnapped or if it was a voluntary act, why and where should he leave to? No answers.

Banu throws away her husband’s medal into Bosphorus Strait and keeps the home door always open with a belief that one day her son Abdullah will return.
Was Abdullah kidnapped or killed or had left home?
The story continues….
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions expressed in this blog are personal and solely belong to the blog owner. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any individual or group. This is a fictional story. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events, or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental.
Note: The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Unsplash images & Google. Many thanks.
The story is copyright protected.
Interesting, waiting for second part
Thank you Mahesh. It is an emotional thriller series. Thank you for waiting.
Very interesting article, climate change is a real thing, it has been caused by humankind, some of our progress have been beneficial, but I will environment has really taken a big impact. We have made some changes, and we are all sure the Earth if we all work together and really take the matter seriously we will make an impact that can hopefully save the planet for our children and their children in the future. But many big corporations are full of greed and only care about the bottom line, pastor Richard and the poor going nowhere, it’s hard for the little guy to stay focused, but if every nation works together it would be a powerful blow against the impact of climate change.
Thank you Daniel for the review comments. Genuinely agree your comments.
👌 Another good script takes off, hope it turns out unpredictable.
About Climate change… lately many misconceptions driven by hungry billionaires and at the same time they are fearful so investing millions in bunkers underground with all facilities which they probably won’t use it for more than a month as they can’t test again unknown natural disaster.
Thank you Snehal. Should be noone’s guess! Climate change, We need to act fast for the benefit of our next generation.