Note-The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Google / Unsplash Images. Many thanks for Google & Unsplash.
Last Birthday!
Jack logged off his computer at the end of the day after work and as usual was moving towards the bar in the city to have his routine drinks in the evening. Moon takes over the night. He starts drinking and when the alcohol content in the blood raises, he blabbers and abuses. He reaches […]
Living Libraries!
She had lovely blonde hairs, her skin was so soft, always her smile was captivated with innocence, and she cooks spicy foods. She loved me a lot. Who would deny such a love from a lady having these qualities? I was fortunate to being loved by this dark lady. This lady migrated from a culturally […]
Garden of Eden or battle of Eden?
Earth was the gift given by God to Adam and Eve as “Garden of Eden”. Earth is a beautiful garden. We were the highest form of creation as we resemble God in the similar image. Everyone loves life and want to live to the fullest in this earth. Few come to this earth and leave […]
World that fascinates me!!
After my 10th standard matriculation schooling, I took pure science group which was only for pursuing medicine with only biology major and another group was pure maths group for becoming engineers. The reason behind choosing pure science group with only biology major because maths was a like hard pill to swallow. When our Maths teacher […]
Gods coming to Earth?
I was born in the southern city in the extreme tip of India, Madurai [The Athens of the east] in Tamil Nadu state. Neither can one can choose their place of birth nor place of the womb. The city I was born is always hot, hotter and hottest in weather. Hardly, we had only one […]
What u wanted to become?
Even on non-rainy days, Thilagavathy teacher would come with a yellow umbrella. On the first day of the class, she asked us “After finishing your studies, what are you going to become? Kavitha and Vanitha who never leave the first bench to anyone said “Doctor” in a chorus. Today Kavitha is standing in the ration […]
Is Horse hair stronger?
We would think thick hair is stronger but research shows that thin hair tends to be stronger than thick hair because of the way that it breaks. Thin hair from a child is stronger than thicker hair from an adult. Horsehair, obtained from the neck and tails of horses is coarse, strong, lustrous, and resilient. The hairs […]
Help from unknown faces!
Anecdote 1 December 2007 – It was a journey in India from Chandigarh to Bengaluru for attending Millipore training program. The plan was to travel from Chandigarh to Delhi by road and from Delhi to Bengaluru by air. I and my colleague started the trip from Chandigarh to Delhi by road and we were running […]
Can’t hear your whisper!
A man goes to the doctor, concerned about his wife’s hearing. The doctor says, “Stand behind her and say something and tell me how close you are when she hears you.” The man goes home, sees his wife in the kitchen, cutting vegetables. About 15 feet away he says, “Hi, what’s for dinner?” Nothing. He […]
God becomes small before these great mothers!
Kiruba is a girl, we do not know the age of her, but she is one year old in her heart. She laughs at everything and she has no worries. Her mother is always near her, wiping her mouth, as she is not aware of the saliva coming out. 20 year old Venkatesh is taken […]
Father’s day surprise!
It was a pleasant surprise for me, this father’s day. My daughter had sent a tribute to about me on father’s day. I was elated to see her article published when she showed the rediff page under “Get Ahead” and I was surprised to know, when her tribute was published. I read the article […]