This blog has the video link of interview with Iamsekar YouTube channel. It is about the basics of Microbiology for the understanding of a layman and also about the applications of Microbiology, Vaccines-its type and about Corona. The discussion will help the layman to understand the basics of Microbiology. Thanks for watching.
Failure – a door of opportunities!
An Austrian did what others in life would not do. Whenever we observe a failure, generally we don’t go deep down to look into the failure for the reason. Failure, in fact teaches a lot and gives an insight to great success. Few great personalities in the earth do that! They spend lot of time […]
A woman can walk freely – Gandhiji’s dreams came true!!!
Mahatma Gandhi, the great freedom fighter of India said, “The day a woman can walk freely on the roads at night, that day we can say that India has achieved independence.” His saying of the true sense of Independence was achieved by one of the country in the world. I was fortunate to live in […]
Most beautiful women and handsome men in the world!!!
Madhavi [Name changed] was born in a house after many years of the married life of her parents. Since she was born late and the only daughter, she was the lovable darling in the family. Her parents enjoyed seeing her grow. She had dreams to succeed in this world as everyone in this world has! […]
The wheel of life always comes full!!!
North Indian winters are always very cold and freezing. It was one such cold winter morning in New Delhi. Our hands were trembling in holding the morning coffee cup and sipping the early morning coffee. My wife had prepared the delicious Indian sunrise coffee and gave us to activate our nervous system for the day. […]
Data Integrity[DI]
Note-The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Google Images. Many thanks for Google.
How to cool the body always!!!
When we were children and receive the yearly calendar, our eyes would always scan the day of Deepawali festival. It is all because, we have to plan for the mega festival. Deepawali is one of the biggest festival in India and it is filled with happiness, joy and lot more. Weeks before the festival, sweets […]
Sharing our life’s medical lesson
Writing down this blog to share our personal medical life lesson!! Iam fortunate and lucky in life that God gave me two precious diamonds, one boy and one girl. I treasure them more than Kohinoor diamonds. I was employed in Singapore and during the pandemic, there were no travels across the globe. It was 2020, […]
My scribblings
Registering my old scribblings English translation. English translation. English translation. English translation Note-The images given for representation in this blog are taken from Google Images. Many thanks for Google.
Can we take time to appreciate?
Many have prayers before they take food thanking God for giving the daily bread but what we miss is we don’t thank the ones who have prepared those food for us! Isn’t it? When we step into the shoes of the women and men who prepare daily food 3 times or more without any fuss, […]
Car not fitting into the garage shed?
What would you do, if your car doesn’t fit into the garage shed? one would naturally go for a small car fitting into the garage shed. Exactly is the same case, when the new process does not meet the process capability / specification. The process has to be designed accordingly to meet the specification. The […]
Why do we want to deep dive?
Deep diving is underwater diving to a depth beyond the norm generally deeper than 30 meters [98 ft.]. Divers needed to breathe special gas mixtures because they get exposed to very high ambient pressure [More than 50 times atmospheric pressure]. Deep dive is done to explore deepest parts of the ocean and for groundbreaking discoveries. In other context, deep dive helps […]